Forestry’s 2021 – 2024 Economic Recovery plan to generate $400m
2021 and indeed
2020 were extremely challenging years for the Fijian Government, the Ministry and
the Fijian people. COVID-19 may have
knocked us down but we’re definitely not out as the Ministry of Forestry has a 3-year recovery plan that will focus on economic growth, improving incomes
and food security, while also ensuring that our forest resources are managed
sustainably, to be healthy for generations to come.
With tourists returning to our shores this month, 2022 will be our comeback!
According to
the Prime Minister and Minister for Forestry “our Ministry is testament to
this, as although we only have a budget of $13.2 million, by working with the
private sector, we have already generated about $49million in export revenue in
the first five months of this financial year, which is 39.5% of our
targeted income. Our forecast is to generate at least
$124million by July 2022 and $400million by 2024.”
This $49million was generated through the export of pine, mahogany and raintree. With continued support to the industries, export revenue is expected to meet or surpass the estimated target for 2021-2022.
Quarter Review
At the Ministry’s first quarter
review meeting on Wednesday 22 December, the Permanent Secretary for Forestry,
Mr. Pene Baleinabuli acknowledged staff for their commitment to assisting the
Fijian Government to contain the COVID-19 virus. He said, “the Ministry of
Forestry had one of the highest (per capita) compared to other agencies to
commit to the national containment measures by committing more than 60% of its
Despite the diversion of resources,
the Ministry continued to operate efficiently at the various stations and from home
to deliver and achieve 28% of the target work set out in the Ministry’s costed
operational plan for 2021-2022.
“This is an exceptional
achievement against the benchmark of 25% for the 1st quarter”,
acknowledged Mr. Baleinabuli. He further urged the staff to continue to work
together to bring to fruition the Ministry’s 3 year economic recovery plan
which was developed at the beginning of this financial year.
The Prime Minister
and Minister for Forestry who was also present at the first quarter review
meeting said “we need to continue the
momentum of re-energising our economy and our on-going efforts to transition
into a progressive and prosperous Nation’’.
COP26 and 30MT15Y
The Prime Minister and
Minister for Forestry further added that “as the Ministry’s work needs to be sustainable, one of the causes that I championed at COP26 is the Pacific's goal to keep the target of containing global
temperature rise to within 1.5 degrees pre-industrial level.
In Fiji, our national goal of growing 30 Million Trees in 15 Years (30MT15Y)
will help to combat the effects of Climate Change and also provide the
opportunity for greater socio-economic development. The 8 million trees and
mangroves planted across Fiji over the last 36 months greatly contributes to
our commitment to end deforestation by 2030.
Tree planting also grows Fiji’s forest carbon stocks, which is one of
the objectives of our Forestry Emissions Reduction Program. Other parts of the
program include developing a sustainable forestry sector and promoting
conservation to perpetually support our basic needs for clean water and air,
and thus enhance livelihoods for communities and all Fijians. We may be a small
island developing state, but our local efforts all add up in the global fight
against Climate Change.”
Sustainable Harvesting
The Ministry’s target to earn $400million by 2024 will be done sustainably with
tree planting being made a condition of Harvesting License renewals. This
condition ensures that all contractors replant the same number of trees that
they harvest. Sustainable harvesting is a win-win situation for the landowners,
contractors and the environment as replanting means that this generation has
the opportunity to earn from their forest resources but also have peace of mind
knowing that it’s not a one-off payment as the future generation can also reap
this same reward.
Contractors replant
knowing this corporate social environment responsibility means that their
Harvesting Licenses can be renewed and sustainable harvesting also contributes
to the 30MT15Y tree planting revolution and the fight against Climate Change.
With Gratitude
Ministry of Forestry would like to thank all its stakeholders, development
partners, line agencies, NGO’s, Industries, Fiji Pine Ltd., Fiji Hardwood
Corporation, communities and all Fijians for their contribution towards the
economic, social and environmental efforts in the forestry sector’s restoration
and recovery for 2021. Wishing you all a safe and enjoyable time this festive
season, God bless.